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Aerobics Fitness Center
Aerobics Fitness Center
Aesthetics by LBCC Laser and Skincare Clinic
The LBCC is expanding its services opening the department of dermatology aesthetics and Laser , under the care of Dr.Akku , Consultant Dermatologist. Treatments will be available in the centre from January 2018 . We have set very special prices for the opening
Our Location: Click Here
Contact Details:
Telephone: +973 17404755
WhatsApp: +973 99022200
Website: Aesthetics by LBCC
Al Amal Hospital
Al Amal Hospital is located adjacent to Central Market of Hamad Town in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This medical infrastructure is provide secondary health care to the residents residing in the Hamad Town, Buri, Zallaq, Isa Town, Riffa, A’Ali and Sitra area which mean it covers 90,000 persons of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
This hospital is being commissioned to provide quality health care at an affordable cost. We intent to introduce the concept of “WE CARE AND WE CURE” where “CARE” reflects the human element while the “CURE” is the treatment component.
The hospital is a comprehensive medical centre at The Kingdom of Bahrain with a gamut of facilities incorporating state of the art technology, equipments and expertise. This modern hospital is designed to facilitate patients comfort, ease of check in and check out at an affordable cost.
Our Location: Click Here
Contact Details:
Telephone: +973 17602602
WhatsApp: +973 35328113
Website: Al Amal Hospital
Al Borg Medical Laboratories
Al Borg Medical Laboratories was established in 1998 as a 100% Saudi Limited Liability Company in Jeddah; the heart of the Western Province to provide a wide range of clinical and diagnostic tests for its clients.
Our Location: Click Here
Contact Details:
Telephone: +973 17100088
WhatsApp: +973 17100088
Website: Al Borg Medical Laboratories
Al Dossary Medical Center
Services BeforePrice Discount AfterPrice الخدمات Dental consultation 5 100% Free استشارة الاسنان G.P consultation 3 30% 2 استشارة طب عام
Al Hilal Hospital and Medical Centers
Al Hilal Hospital Company BSC © was established on 16th November 2005 with an objective of providing quality healthcare at an affordable price. It is managed by Badr Al Samaa Medical Services SPC, a part of the Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals and Polyclinic, a well-established group of hospitals in the Sultanate of Oman.
The Hospital is a Secondary Level Healthcare Provider with a range of specialties and Out Patient and In Patient Facilities. It is located in Muharraq, just 500 meters from the first and main causeway connecting the heart of Manama and its suburbs. The location of the hospital and the range of healthcare services were determined keeping in mind the community needs and the fact that there was no general hospital in the area.
Contact Details: (+973) 17344700
Hospital Location: Click Here
Al Hokail Medical Group
Providing dental, beauty, medical care and pain treatment services at the highest international standards, with medical and administrative staff are committed to professionalism and integrity, to know from our customers that we are the best, and to consider our employees to be our partners.
Contact Details: (+973) 17224466
Hospital Location: Click Here
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